08-09 Tower Hamlets Index (In-Year Reporting)
PI Ref No PI Description Responsible Officer Frequency available Actual 07/08 May Target Apr-May Actual 08/09 Target 09/10 Target 10/11 Target Traffic Light Next reported
Theme 1: One Tower Hamlets
BV008, RES038, SP506 Percentage of Undisputed Invoices Paid on Time Paul McDermott Monthly 87.87 97 86.74 97 98 98 AMBER Q1
Monthly Performance:   A detailed extract of all payments made outside the timeframe has been identified for April. An analysis has been prepared identifying specific causes that will be passed to the preformance team and shared with Corporate Directors.
BV011a, CE045a, RES045a, SP517 Percentage of top 5% of earners of Local Authority staff that are women. Deb Clarke Monthly 52.71 50 51.39 50 50 50 GREEN Q1
BV011b, RES044a, SP516 The percentage of the top 5% of Local Authority staff who are from an ethnic minority. Deb Clarke Monthly 17.43 17.5 16.61 22 25 27 RED Q1
Monthly Performance: Outcome lower than expected and trend moving in the wrong direction. However, change against last month is relatively small. Work continues to improve performance in this area including a further Aspiring Leaders course imminent and recruitment review continues
BV011c, RES002 Percentage of the top paid 5% of staff who have a disability (excluding those in maintained schools.) Deb Clarke Monthly 3.51 3.55 3.55 4.1 4.7 5.4 GREEN Q1
BV012, CE046a, RES046a, SP505 Number of working days/shifts lost to sickness absence per employee. Deb Clarke Monthly 8.75 8.4 9.12 7.5 7 6.5 RED Q1
Monthly Performance: Absence, having increased in April, has reduced slightly in May. Whilst there is no obvious reason for the increases, reporting has improved in terms of both absence returns submitted and outcome reports, which includes trigger information, reaching line managers and service heads within three weeks of completing returns. All areas continue to focus on absence management.
CE053a, RES053a, SP513 Percentage of complaints completed in time - Council as a whole - Stage 1 Ruth Dowden Monthly 74 74 72 80 80 80 AMBER Q1
Monthly Performance:   Mainly CLC responses holding back improved performance, however, some directorates with fewer complaints should also be performing better.
RES057 Percent of calls to Hot Lines answered Keith Paulin Monthly   95 94.1 95 95 95 AMBER Q1
RES058 Average waiting time for calls to Hot Lines to be answered Keith Paulin Monthly   30 38 30 30 30 AMBER Q1
Monthly Performance: A number of vacancies in the Contact Centre were filled during April which, following induction and training, produced the improvement in performance shown for May. This improvement continued into June, and all targets were met for this month. Staff also continue being trained for generic working to provide extra resources for the high demand services
RES059 First contact resolution of calls to Hot Lines Keith Paulin Monthly   80 85 80 80 80 GREEN Q1
Theme 2: A Great Place to Live
CPAC02c, SP412 Number of physical visits to public library premises per 1000 population Paul Martindill Monthly 9710.7 1573 1505 9438.9 9416.89 9396.3 AMBER Q1
Monthly Performance: Idea Stores and library visits continue to improve, with over 320,000 visitors in the first two months of 2008/09. This was just short of the bimonthly target. Each site has individual targets to meet and will be focusing on activities to improve performance during the year.
LAANI192, National192 Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting Heather Bonfield Monthly 13.73 15.66 14.96 19 26 32 AMBER Q1
Monthly Performance: None of the major initiatives under the recycling improvement plan have the effects realised as yet. The Service expects the impact to be demonstrated in future months.
PI Ref No PI Description Responsible Officer Frequency available Actual 07/08 May Target Apr-May Actual 08/09 Target 09/10 Target 10/11 Target Traffic Light Next reported
Theme 3: A Prosperous Community
LAANI117, National117 16 to 18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) Mary Durkin Monthly 8.2 10.12 9.3 7 6.25 6 GREEN Q1
LAAS604, LPSA010b, SP408 Number of under 16s who are active users of the Idea Stores and libraries Judith St John Monthly 16008 12863 12569 14405 14549 14694 AMBER Q1
Monthly Performance:   The target is not currently being met but a summer programme of activities for under 16s has been planned. This will focus on recruiting and also on retaining young users in high numbers across the rest of the year. The impact of the increased activity for young people should result in improved performance by September
National087 Secondary school persistent absence rate Helen Jenner Termly   5.3 N/A 5.3 5.1 4.9   Jan
Monthly Performance:   Spring term figure not available yet
PI Ref No PI Description Responsible Officer Frequency available Actual 07/08 May Target Apr-May Actual 08/09 Target 09/10 Target 10/11 Target Traffic Light Next reported
Theme 4: A Safe and Supportive Community
LAANI015, National015 Number of most serious violent crimes per 1,000 population Andy Bamber Monthly   N/A 43 N/A N/A N/A   Q1
Monthly Performance: Outturn of 08/09 will be used as baseline (New indicator). Target setting will commence aften baseline established.
LAANI016, National016 Number of serious acquisitive crimes per 1,000 population Andy Bamber Monthly   5.7 5.37 34 33.4 32.7 GREEN Q1